Quake Heroes of Northridge & the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety
About Mark Benthien
Mark Benthien is the Director of Public Education and Preparedness at the Statewide California Earthquake Center, headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC) where he works to increase earthquake and tsunami awareness and to reduce loss. Mark is also Executive Director of the California-focused Earthquake Country Alliance, which organizes the annual Great California ShakeOut Earthquake Drill. He was recognized as a White House “Champion of Change” for expanding ShakeOut drills worldwide, which involve more than 50 million people each year. He also manages TsunamiZone.org which supports participation in California Tsunami Preparedness Week along with activities in other states and countries. Finally, he is the Executive Producer of Quake Heroes (a motivational documentary that depicts stories from the 1994 Northridge earthquake).